The period that a patient spends in hospital can be one filled with fright, anxiety and deep soul searching. Spiritual care is an important necessity at this time and forms an important element of the healing process.
Chaplaincy Services at Outspan Hospital are available to patients and their loved ones during their stay in the hospital. The Department provides pastoral care, administers the sacraments including Holy Communion and presides over Mass and other services. It is common knowledge that doctors treat, but only God can heal. The Chaplaincy Department is an integral part of the Community Affairs Department through which we have been able to reach the surrounding community.
The role of the department since the hospital’s inception has been to look after the spiritual well being of staff members, patients and external customers. Staff members spend the better part of their day at work and there is need for them to be whole as they work with patients. The department is headed by a hospital chaplain. We have morning devotional services on Fridays at 7.10am running for 45minutes which are open to staff members, patients and any other person willing to fellowship together with us. We climax the month by having an end month Sunday service, which takes a duration of two hours from 10.30am. Over time, these services have become popular and beneficial to us, for we have moved into new levels of spiritual growth and Christian faith.